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Office of 研究保证—无人驾驶飞机系统

Office of 研究保证




Unmanned Aircraft System 政策及程序


The use of unmanned aircraft systems by University of Idaho personnel is governed by the policy set forth in the UI apm 45.35. This policy and the related policies and procedures described herein is intended to ensure that the university operates any unmanned aircraft systems in the furtherance of its educational, research and service missions, in compliance with applicable federal and 状态 laws. This policy shall be effective immediately.


The use of UAS in research and product testing is a privilege granted under federal, 状态, local and institutional regulations and policies. The UI UASC requires adherence to the following procedures in order to grant approval of UAS research.

Notice: if a third party is contracted to fly a UAS on the University’s behalf, approval will not be authorized until Purchasing has received a fully executed agreement.

  1. 咨询 “无人飞行系统”委员会 or ORA to determine whether the university or a commercial UAS operator has the required authorization from the FAA for civil operations and that the authorization is applicable to your project.

  2. Submit an UI UAS application to the “无人飞行系统”委员会. If you plan to work with a commercial operator, please also submit with your application a copy of the commercial operator’s authorization by the FAA for civil operations.

  3. Obtain approval from the “无人飞行系统”委员会 and VPRED for use of UAS under FAA authorization held by university, 合作单位, 或者商业运营商.

  4. If you intend to use a commercial operator, consult with the “无人飞行系统”委员会 regarding a formal agreement between the university and the 合作单位 或者商业运营商 providing support for the university project.
    请注意: The university will require this agreement whether or not the university is providing funds for the services of the collaborator 或者商业运营商.

  5. Operate UAS for your project consistent with the requirements of the “无人飞行系统”委员会 and the FAA authorization for civil operations applicable to your project.

Section 336 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 establishes the requirements for operation of “model aircraft.” A “model aircraft” is defined, 根据第336(c)条, as “an unmanned aircraft” that is “(1) capable of sustained flight in the atmosphere; (2) flown within visual line of sight of the person operating the aircraft; and (3) flown for hobby or recreational purposes.” The FAA has indicated in their May 4th, 2016 memorandum on the Education Use of 无人驾驶飞机系统 (UAS) that a “student may conduct model aircraft operations in accordance with section 336 of the FMRA in furtherance of his or her aviation-related education at an accredited educational institution.”

The Office of 研究保证 does not have the authority to approve personal UAS use on campus. To conduct such operations you much seek approval from the Executive Director of the Office of Public 安全 and 安全.

  1. Evaluate whether your project falls within the definition of “governmental function."咨询 “无人飞行系统”委员会 or ORA, as needed, prior to submission of an application to the “无人飞行系统”委员会.
  2. Determine whether your proposed project may be covered by an existing COA granted to the university. (The university will make its public COAs available through the “无人飞行系统”委员会 website.)
  3. Submit an UI UAS application to the “无人飞行系统”委员会.
  4. Obtain approval from the “无人飞行系统”委员会 and VPRED for submission of a public COA application or operation under an existing public COA.
  5. Operate UAS for your project consistent with the requirements of the “无人飞行系统”委员会 and the public COA applicable to your project.

Please note that the university and “无人飞行系统”委员会 cannot provide any assurance that a COA application will be approved by the FAA in time to meet deadlines associated with a particular project.

Office of 研究保证—无人驾驶飞机系统

Office of 研究保证


