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1540 - Standing Rules of the University Faculty


  • Position: Faculty Secretary
  • Email:

Last updated: July 01, 2022


A. Calling of faculty meeting
B. Agenda
C. Responsibilities of faculty secretary
D. Forum
E. Attendance
F. Recognition of speakers
G. Quorum
H. Voting privilege
I. Recording of votes
J. Minutes

A. Calling of faculty meeting. The president shall call a meeting of the university faculty within the first six weeks of the fall semester for the purpose of opening the academic year, and shall call at least one meeting per semester at which voting items may be presented. Meetings of the university faculty may be called at any time, with due notice, by the president. Meetings of the university faculty must be called with due notice by the president on the request of the Faculty Senate or on the written petition of 25 members of the university faculty. The president, or a member of the university faculty designated by the president, presides at meetings of the university faculty.

B. Agenda. An agenda listing all subjects to be voted on, other than routine matters, must be issued to all members of the university faculty at least one week in advance of each meeting of the university faculty, except as provided in B-5. Faculty Senate actions that require approval by the university faculty must be published in full in the agenda.

B-1. Responsibility. The president is responsible for the agenda and it is issued under the president’s direction.

B-2. Agenda items from individual members. Individual members who wish to suggest items for the agenda are to submit them to the president. No items may be considered under this clause that are presented to the president less than 12 calendar days before the meeting.

B-3. Resolutions requiring action. Ten or more members of the university faculty desiring to submit a resolution that requires action at the next meeting are to submit the signed resolution to the president at least twelve calendar days before the meeting. Such resolutions must be published in full with, and included in, the agenda.

B-4. Proposed changes of written policies or regulations. Any proposed change in a written policy or regulation of the university to be voted on by the university faculty must be published in full in the agenda, or final action on the proposal must be delayed until the next meeting. This provision can be waived only by unanimous consent.

B-5. Agenda for emergency meetings. If circumstances require an emergency meeting of the university faculty, the president declares the emergency and calls the meeting. In such circumstances the agenda may be limited to items approved by the president and must be published not less than three calendar days before the meeting. Policy actions taken at emergency meetings require an approving vote of two-thirds of the members of the university faculty in attendance at the meeting, a quorum being present. FSH 1520 Constitution of the University Faculty cannot be amended at an emergency meeting.

C. Responsibilities of faculty secretary. The faculty secretary is responsible for recording and distributing the minutes, tallying and recording votes, and performing such other duties as may be assigned by the president or the university faculty.

D. Forum. Meetings of the university faculty may be held in person, by remote meeting and voting technology, or in a hybrid forum.

E. Attendance by nonmembers of faculty. Nonmembers of faculty are welcome to attend meetings of the university faculty. Nonmembers who wish to speak at such a meeting must submit a request to the faculty secretary at least two business days in advance of the meeting specifying both the topic and purpose of their comments. The faculty secretary shall notify the senate chair and the President’s Office. The president and chair will decide whether to allow the guest to speak. All nonmember speakers must identify themselves at the onset of their remarks.

F. Recognition of speakers. Participants wishing to speak will be recognized by the presiding officer and may obtain the floor with the presiding officer’s approval.

G. Quorum. A quorum consists of one-eighth of the membership of the university faculty, as defined in FSH 1520 Article II, Section 1. If there is not a quorum at a faculty meeting, Faculty Senate actions reported in the agenda for that meeting have faculty approval and are forwarded to the president and regents.

H. Voting privilege. Constituent faculties of colleges and other UI units must limit the voting privilege to those who are qualified under the provisions of the constitution of the university faculty. Moreover, those who are qualified cannot be deprived of their vote in meetings of constituent faculties. See 1520 IV-8. Emeritus and adjunct faculty, staff, students, and others may be permitted to participate in faculty meetings in an advisory capacity only, and they may serve as voting members of committees (see FSH 1520 Article II, Section 3 for affiliate voting rights).

I. Recording of votes. In determining the outcome of motions, the secretary will determine the number of votes for or against.

J. Minutes. Minutes of the meetings of the university faculty, constituent faculties, and committees are to be sent on a regular basis to the Department of Special Collections and Archives in the University Library.

Version History

Amended July 2022. Catalog change procedure moved to FSH 4120. Incorporated University faculty meeting procedure removed from FSH 1520. Procedure for fall University faculty meeting revised for efficiency.

Amended July 2020. A-1 was revised to allow for remote participation in university faculty meetings.

Amended January 2017. Changes in E were made to update processes for the fall university faculty meeting.

Amended July 2012. Changes were made to D in order to align with Idaho’s open meeting law and clarify non-members’ attendance at faculty meetings.

Amended January 2012. Processes were clarified and updated to current practice.

Amended July 2011. Processes were clarified and updated to current practice.

Amended July 2009. Constitutional changes giving off-campus faculty voting rights at faculty meetings necessitated adding venue determination to A.

Amended July 2002. Editorial changes.

Adopted 1979.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
