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40.29 - Campus Advertising/Posting/Temporary Signage


  • Position: Director, Facilities
  • Email:

Last updated: October 28, 2019

A. General. Posters and notices may be displayed, when there is room for them and permission is granted, on bulletin boards and kiosks located inside buildings and on campus.

B. Restrictions for Advertising and/or Postings. Items may not be posted on any painted surfaces inside or outside of a building, landscape furniture, buildings or hardscapes features.

B-1. Chalk Drawings. Chalk, when used on campus, must be latex based and designed for easy removal. Oil- and grease-based chalks are not allowed. Chalk drawings and writings may only be done on horizontal concrete surfaces that can be easily washed. Vertical surfaces, such as walls, step risers, bench seats, etc., may not be used for chalk. Permission for chalk inscriptions must be obtained from Facilities — Landscape and Exterior Services prior to placing any markings on campus. Please contact Facilities at 885-6246 before proceeding. [Ed. 10-19.]

B-2. Balloons Used for Advertising. Exterior balloon usage should be avoided except for large U of I events, because of the hazard they produce for birds and wildlife in the area.

B-3. Temporary Signage. Units may post temporary signage for an occasional event or special occasion using sandwich boards or other temporary structures that comply with the Campus Signage Master Plan and are approved by Facilities prior to their installation in or on the campus landscape. A minimum of two week’s notice is required. Temporary signs may not be posted for longer than three days prior to an event, and must be removed immediately following the event. Temporary signage may not be used as permanent signage in the landscape to provide directional information; permanent advertising for a unit, or as long-term informational signage. Only temporary signage that is needed to provide warning or safety information may stay in place longer than three days. This includes project information, road construction, emergency repairs, directional detours, and parking enforcement. All other temporary signage will be removed by Facilities once the three-day limit is exceeded. [Add. 3-13, ed. 10-19.]

C. Unauthorized Posting and/or Advertising. Building Services and Landscape personnel are to remove posters, balloons, chalk drawings, staked signs and notices from painted surfaces and other unauthorized places across campus. If unauthorized or improper placement of these items results in defacement/damage of the surface on which they are placed, the persons, vendors or units responsible for their placement will be required to restore the surface or to reimburse U of I Facilities for the cost of doing so. [Ed. 3-13, 10-19.]

D. Removal of Posted Items. Items will be removed when they are out of date or their time allotment for a particular posting place is reached.

E. Flyers and Bills on Vehicles. Flyers and bills affixed to vehicles along all university streets or parking lots are not allowed because of the large litter problem they create across campus. Persons caught dispersing said items will be asked to desist and remove these items from vehicles. Vendors or businesses responsible for these flyers or bills will be contacted by U of I Facilities and warned. If the problem persists, the person, vendor or unit will be billed for the personnel time to remove the litter from campus. [Ed. 3-13, 10-19]

F. Building Displays. Signs, banners and any other exterior displays that use a campus building as their supporting structure or backdrop must be approved by Facilities, Risk Management, Media Relations and associated building managers prior to the display being installed. A minimum of four weeks' prior notice is required. Message content must be directly related to University of Idaho strategic mission for approval to be granted. Only materials authorized by Facilities may be used and must be of such type that they cause no damage to the building exterior in any way, and are supported in a safe, secure and professional manner to minimize the risk associated with such large displays. All costs for construction, installation, removal and related damages will be billed back to the displaying agency or group. All such displays must be installed by Facilities technical staff or other approved building management staff. For specific information relating to advertising and use of the Idaho Student Union Building (ISUB), go to the Moscow Campus Venues link for specific details. [Add. 4-09, ed. 10-19.]

Version History

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
