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35.27 - Building Corridor and Hallway Use


  • 位置: Environmental 健康 and 安全 Director
  • 电子邮件:

最后更新: 2009年12月7日

A. 一般. Building corridors and 走廊s must remain clear in order to provide safe egress during emergencies. Any time items are placed in corridors or 走廊s, they must never impede flow of persons entering and/or exiting the building, reduce the access width below minimum requirements, or create a fire hazard situation. Basic university policy is to keep corridors and 走廊s clear of obstructions regardless of access width. 在某些情况下, 然而, with proper approval from Environmental 健康 and 安全 (EHS), certain items may be placed in corridors or 走廊s without adversely affecting exiting requirements. [ed. 12-09]

A-1. Regulatory Requirements. The legal minimum width of corridors and 走廊s is determined by the applicable International Building Code, International Fire Code, 生命安全守则, and the Idaho 一般 安全 and 健康 Standards. [ed. 12-09]

A-2. 未经批准的位置. Items placed in a corridor, 走廊, or other path of entry or egress without approval may be subject to immediate removal at the direction of the Environmental 健康 and 安全 Office. The unit responsible for the unapproved item will also be responsible for the cost of removal and any resulting damage. (添加. 12-09]

B. 过程. Campus units desiring to place objects in corridors or 走廊s are required to complete and submit a Building Corridor Use Exemption 申请表 to EHS. EHS personnel will review the request, 检查区域, and make final a determination as to approval or denial. (牧师. 12-09]

C. 程序 for Obtaining Approval to Place Objects in Corridors or Hallways.

C-1. 合规问题. Conditions that may result in denial of requests include, but are not limited to: (牧师. 12-09]

i) Placement of objects reduces the width of the corridor or 走廊 to less than the legally required minimum. (牧师. 12-09]

ii) The object is not fixed to the floor or wall or is something considered immovable. Examples of items allowed include vending machines or display cases mounted on a wall. Examples of items not allowed include chairs, student desks, tables, 等. (牧师. 12-09]

iii) The object is flammable or readily combustible, or contains flammable or hazardous materials (e.g., cardboard boxes or storage cabinet for flammable liquids or hazardous materials). Hazardous materials are defined as any hazardous chemical, any biohazardous material, or any radioactive material. (牧师. 12-09]

iv) The objects placed in corridors or 走廊s are considered permanent storage (e.g., unused equipment items). (牧师. 12-09]

v) The object blocks the view of an exit or exit sign. (牧师. 12-09]

vi) The object blocks access to, 或者操作, 灭火器, fire alarm pull stations, fire alarm/detector panels, 消防水管, 自动喷水灭火系统, smoke or heat detectors, 紧急淋浴, 洗眼站, 应急照明, circuit breaker panels, 等. (牧师. 12-09]

vii)完整的, legally required width of the exit path cannot be maintained as a straight path down the length of the 走廊. (牧师. 12-09]

viii)the items have been placed in a stairwell. (牧师. 12-09]

C-2. 申请表. 下载一个 Building Corridor Use Exemption 申请表 from this link or obtain one from the Environmental 健康 and 安全 Office. (添加. 12-09]

C-3. 要求提交. Submit requests to EHS (campus mail code 2030) or by fax @ (208) 885-5969. EHS personnel will evaluate the requirements and, if necessary, coordinate work with Facilities. (牧师. & 任. 12-09]

D. 信息. For additional information regarding building corridors and 走廊s, please contact the Environmental 健康 and 安全 Office at (208) 885­-6524. [ed. 12-09]



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875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264


