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35.81 - Acquisition of Radioactive Materials


  • Position: Environmental Health and Safety Director
  • Email:

Last updated: August 18, 2005

A. General. Radioactive materials may be obtained by several methods. 放射性物质的主要来源是向商业供应商购买放射性同位素和密封源. Other sources include, but are not limited to, surplus or donated radioactive materials, neutron activation material, the transfer of materials from one user to another, 以及从其他机构或组织转移材料到365滚球官网.

A-1. Regardless of the method used to acquire radioactive material, 使用者必须获得辐射安全委员会的授权或辐射安全官员的书面许可才能获得放射性物质[见FSH 1640].71 and FSH 6120 H-3] . Please refer also to the university’s 1996 Radiation Safety Manual.

A-2. The use of radioactive materials and radiation producing equipment 在伊利诺伊大学的财产受大学的广泛范围放射性物质许可证编号的条款和条件的约束. 11-27382-01 issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 该许可证的条款要求遵守1996年《365体育滚球》中概述的程序. The university is subject to significant penalties, as well as potential loss of its broad license, for violations of procedures specified in the Manual.

B. Process. The process of purchasing radioactive materials requires the use of a requisition, similar to other types of purchases, and a valid “Permit to Purchase Radioactive Materials” form. 辐射安全官员或指定人员批准“购买放射性物质许可证”表格,采购服务部门处理申请. 所有其他取得放射性物质的方法,须经辐射安全官员或其指定人员批准.

C. Procedures. 获得辐射安全委员会授权使用放射性材料的莫斯科校区人员可以按照以下步骤订购材料(在莫斯科以外的大学设施获取和接收放射性材料的程序应由辐射安全委员会在授权时确定):

C-1. Procedures for Ordering From a Commercial Vendor.

i) Complete a requisition describing the radioactive material(s) to be ordered. 在申请表的描述部分的第一行输入“放射性物质”. 部门采购单(dpo)不得用于订购放射性物质.


iii) Obtain the signature of the radiation safety officer or designee.

iv) Follow the normal procedures for processing a requisition.


vi) The purchase order must show the following as the “ship-to” address:

授权用户名称由莫斯科西第六街1108号365滚球官网环境健康与安全辐射安全干事负责, ID 83844-2030

vii) For those departments processing requisitions electronically, complete the Permit to Purchase Radioactive Materials Form RSM-2M, obtain the radiation safety officer or designee's signature, and forward the form to Purchasing Services. 采购服务将把申请单与《365体育滚球》表格相匹配.

viii) Before processing an order for radioactive materials, 供应商必须持有大学放射性物质许可证的有效副本. 请与辐射安全官员或指定人员联系,以核实供应商是否有存档的大学放射性材料许可证的当前副本或需要副本.

C-2. Procedures for Obtaining Surplus or Donated Radioactive Materials. 人员取得多余或捐赠的放射性物质,必须经辐射安全官员批准后方可取得. 辐射安全官员应确保大学获得许可拥有这种类型和数量的放射性物质,并应确定接受这种物质是否符合大学的最佳利益.

C-3. Procedures for Obtaining Radioactive Material by Neutron Activation. 使用者在从华盛顿州立大学的核反应堆获得辐照材料之前,必须从辐射安全官员或指定人员那里获得一份释放表格. 受辐射的材料到达校园后,必须首先带到环境健康与安全办公室办理登记和监测要求.

C-4. Procedures for Transferring Radioactive Materials.


ii)经辐射安全员或指定人员书面批准,放射性物质可以从一个使用者转移到另一个使用者, providing the receiving user is authorized to use the materials being transferred.


C-5. Procedures for Obtaining Uranium-and Thorium-Containing Materials.

i)拥有125克或更少的含铀或含钍材料无需获得辐射安全委员会的批准. However, 这些材料需要向辐射安全官员登记,以确保符合核管理委员会的规定.


C-6. Exempt Radioactive Materials -辐射安全委员会不认为任何用于研究或教学目的的放射性材料是豁免的. 所有计划的放射性物质的获取都必须向辐射安全官员报告. 某些市售的密封产品(包括钟表等物品), static eliminators, lock illuminators, thermostat dials and pointers, night compasses, exit lights, and smoke alarms) may be exempt from authorization requirements. 可以联系辐射安全官员或其指定人员进一步澄清.

D. Information. For further information, 查阅《365滚球官网》或致电环境健康与安全办公室, (208) 885-6524.

Version History

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
