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布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
莫斯科, ID 83844-4264





奖项将颁发给那些在365滚球官网表现出模范奉献精神并超越其正常工作职责的员工. 符合资格的工作人员将由其同行提名,并通过工作人员议会工作人员奖励小组委员会的奖励程序进行审查. 另外, 从大学退休的员工也将与在职员工一起获得5美元的长寿奖, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30等. in five-year increments. 

For more information contact 工作人员

目的: To recognize and encourage excellence in all forms

Nominations are currently being requested for 2023-24 员工奖励. 颁奖典礼将在春末学期与学院大学优秀奖一起举行. 我们将在春季学期提供更多关于仪式形式和细节的信息.

提交截止日期: The nomination deadline has been extended to Friday, Feb. 9, 2024.

Below are the different categories of 员工奖励. You may submit a nomination for all 工作人员 awards using this 提名表格.


历史 ——劳伦斯·C. 麦克布莱德奖是由私人捐助者于2002年设立的,旨在表彰为365滚球官网提供模范服务的免税员工. 该奖项是首个此类奖项,是对杰出员工奖的补充,但不能取代杰出员工奖.

资格 - One prize is given annually to an employee in the exempt 工作人员 category. 遴选委员会强烈鼓励提名在部门执行高级行政支援职能的雇员, colleges or administrative units. Executives are not eligible. 被提名者必须证明在大学员工社区中有向上发展的证据 在目前或类似的职位上工作至少5年.

奖 & 演讲 – With current circumstances surrounding COVID-19, 我们将决定最好的方式来表彰获奖者,并在我们度过冬季和进入春季的大学内沟通计划.

标准 -该奖项的提名者应尽可能效仿退休员工拉里·麦克布莱德(Larry McBride)在近20年的大学杰出服务中树立的榜样. The prize recognizes service far beyond that expected from the job description; in fact accomplishing one’s job well does not appear on the list of criteria. 选择 criteria include the following descriptors: exemplary imagination, 有创意的, 乐观积极的态度, 忠诚的, 专用的, 支持, 热情的, highest performance standards for him/herself and others, dependable and friendly.

The selection committee must receive an online submission that includes ALL of the following:

  • Online 提名表格.
  • 一份来自任何大学管理人员的提名信(在线提名表格上最多两页), 教师, or 工作人员 member who knows the nominee and who can speak to his/her service to the institution. This letter must provide a broad-brush description detailing the nominee’s accomplishments. 
  • 来自其他行政人员的两封支持信(在线提名表格上最多两页), 教师, 工作人员, students or colleagues. 支持信必须集中在被提名人的模范服务的两个或三个具体的例子.
  • 被提名人的专业简历(一页纸长度)-应由被提名人提供给提名人.

Note: All nomination materials received by the selection committee are confidential.

历史 - Outstanding 员工奖励 have been in existence at the University of Idaho since 1972. 这些奖项最初是“长寿奖”的衍生品,该奖项每年颁发给在365滚球官网工作满5年的员工, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30等. 以5年为单位. 杰出员工奖旨在表彰被同事和/或主管认为杰出的非教职员工. 该奖项的目的是鼓励更多的支持和认可工作人员的奉献精神和努力工作代表365滚球官网.

资格 -所有在过去三年内没有获得该奖项的非教职员工均有资格获得该奖项. Members of the Outstanding 员工奖励 Subcommittee are not eligible.

The awards are given in the following six categories:

  • 高级领导
  • Non-教师豁免
  • Technical/Paraprofessional
  • 服务/维修
  • 熟练的交易
  • Administrative Assistants

奖 & 演讲 - With current circumstances surrounding COVID-19, 我们将决定最好的方式来表彰获奖者,并在我们度过冬季和进入春季的大学内沟通计划.

选择 -甄选杰出职员只会根据提名表格或提名表格所提供的资料, from nomination letters that address every criterion listed below. 由职员评议会成员及过往得奖者组成的小组委员会,负责甄选.

标准 - Each nomination submission must address these four categories:

  • 服务质素
  • 杰出的工作
  • 倡议
  • Interpersonal Relationships

When considering someone for nomination, 你应该通过与被提名人和他们的主管联系来熟悉他们的工作描述. Your submission should address those things that show an exceptional/extraordinary commitment, work ethic or job performance that makes this person truly outstanding.

历史 杰出团队奖设立于2005年,旨在表彰365滚球官网工作人员在一次性或独特的非常规项目中表现出色的团队合作. 2005年春天, 地质科学系在365滚球官网校园举办了戈德施密特会议. 正是从这次会议开始,设立了捐赠基金,以补充而不是取代由员工理事会主办的杰出员工奖.


  • 杰出团队奖颁发给365滚球官网的工作人员,他们参加的团队由不少于3人至不超过15人组成. Recipients should be board-appointed 工作人员, 但如果临时员工或学生在团队中占少数,则可以例外.
  • Only teams deserving recognition for exceptional, non-routine service will be honored with this award. In some years, it is possible that no team will be selected, or even nominated.
  • Team members must have played a positive and critical role in the work of the team; demonstrated creativity, 共同掌权, commitment to excellence of the final outcome; and worked above and beyond normal job responsibilities.

奖 & 演讲 - With current circumstances surrounding COVID-19, 我们将决定最好的方式来表彰获奖者,并在我们度过冬季和进入春季的大学内沟通计划.

历史 - 员工委员会 invites nominations for the 工作人员 Education 奖s for the 2024-25 school year. These awards are given for the academic year, and a student may receive this award a maximum of two times. Recipients will be randomly selected without regard to class level or financial need. Approximately four $500 ($250/semester) scholarships will be awarded.

资格 - To be eligible for this award the nominee must meet all of the following:

  • 做个孩子, 继子, 现任大学董事会任命的工作人员*(不是教员)或荣誉退休工作人员的孙子或法定受抚养人. Spouses of 工作人员 are not eligible.
  • Have been admitted to the University of Idaho for Fall 2024.
  • Enrolled full-time in a minimum of 12 credits for undergraduate, 9 credits as a graduate student, 法律10学分.
  • May not have received this award in two previous years.

NOTE: The nominator must be the parent, 继父或继母, grandparent or legal guardian of the nominee and only one entry per nominee will be admissible.

奖 and 演讲 - 2024-25年度获奖者及其提名者将于2024年春季在大学优秀奖上获得认可.

贡献 -捐赠给本奖项的资金已存入捐赠基金,其中应计利息可用于奖励. Your contributions are appreciated and help this fund to grow! Your contributions can be in the form of a payroll deduction or a one-time gift. Remember that in Idaho, there is a special income tax break for contributions to educational institutions. Make your checks payable to the U of I Foundation, Inc., and mail to Advancement 服务, Campus zip 3147. Note on your check that it is for the 工作人员 Education 奖 Endowment, designation code EE601.


布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
莫斯科, ID 83844-4264


